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How and Why You Need Choose the Right Technician

Kersten Gruber

If you have been on the fence when it comes to getting an invasive cosmetic procedure done, such as eyebrow tattooing, it’s probably a good thing. Cosmetic tattooing will make your life much easier in so many ways. However, the positive changes can be better ensured if you visit a technician who knows what they are doing in all aspects of care and technique. It’s time to crack down and do some serious research. Here are some reasons why:

Lax Regulations All Around

Cosmetic tattooing has no proper regulatory body for technicians in Canada, like other professions do. While the business space may have obtained it’s obligatory health inspections to obtain it’s business license, this does not speak to the ongoing practices behind closed doors or to the skills or knowledge a technician may OR may not have. While the procedure itself is safe and has been around for a number of years in both Asia and Europe and it has exploded in popularity in Canada – that’s just it - there’s been a huge emergence of weekend training courses available, that anyone can take. These courses are not monitored for consistent content, quality or trainer credentials and may not include supervised work on real models. You may end up with a technician that has had little training or knowledge of skin health and disease, prevention of cross contamination, infection control and color theory (how pigments are chosen and how they can change in the skin to unwanted colors). Your health and appearance may be at greater risk than you know.

Scars Left Behind

When you put your trust in an inexperienced technician, you might end up with less than optimal results. You may save yourself some money in the beginning, choosing an artist that is cheaper however, consider the potential costs associated with fixing cosmetic makeup gone wrong. A properly trained professional would know how to handle tools to minimize the potential of scar tissue. An untrained technician may run the chance of using body inks or incorrect colors, where the results would be disastrous. Poorly shaped or asymmetrical eyebrows are another nightmare waiting for a client who doesn’t go to a properly trained and experienced professional.

With Training and Without

Seeking a technician with comprehensive training and experience, who also participates in continuing education in this rapidly changing industry, will put you in a safer position when having the procedure done. A professional technician won’t simply have attended a two-day long course to be awarded a certificate that says they can practice microblading! A professional would be well-versed with color theory; the analysis of the skin’s over and undertones and how skin type or lifestyle can modify the colors once healed. Similarly, knowing the nuances of skin histology and having sufficient medical knowledge to not perform the procedure on people with skin disorders, is another knowledge gap you may encounter amongst technicians.

Germs and Beyond

Many technicians have not received training in preventing blood borne pathogens or maintaining a sterile work environment. For instance, after they punctured the skin of one of their clients, cross-contamination might occur on reusable equipment (if beds/tables are not protected with non-permeable covers or if rulers, tweezers or pens are being used on the client once the skin is already broken and not sterilized or disposed of following). Consider that not every technician disposes used needles either, but rather, sterilizes them between clients. Can you trust that sterilization has been completed correctly? Why even allow the opportunity that you could be risking blood borne viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C, being transmitted to you? A technician with medical background and proper training would recognize potential risks and understand that prevention is the best medicine.

The Artist

If you do decide to obtain a cosmetic tattoo, always select a certified professional with more than just a weekend course of training. Formal training is as important as experience. Since there is no proper accreditation in Canada, it is recommended that you ask your prospective technician several questions. This will help you gauge the level of experience and knowledge they have before you commit to a procedure. Ask them:

  1. Where and with whom they trained.

  2. How many hours of training they received and how long they have been in the industry.

  3. How much experience they have with the specific procedure you’re looking to have done.

  4. What they know about color theory and selection and measurement techniques – ask how they will ensure your results will look natural and age well.

  5. What infection prevention practices they use, such as which tools are disposed of between clients and what their knowledge is of blood borne pathogens etc. Get specific!

  6. What their background is and if they have relatable experience to the field (ie - medical or esthetician training).

  7. Look at pictures of their work and if the style appeals to you.

Treat the introductory session as you would an interview. After all, you will be trusting the technician to create small incisions and a work of art on your face! The ramifications of and options for poor permanent cosmetic work should be considered.

Do you think your health is not worth investing the time to consider every aspect of an invasive procedure like this one? Don’t take risks - go visit a professional - and remember, do your research!


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